TED is ubiquitous. At any given moment it’s likely you’re next to a person on the train, a student in the library or a coach at a coffee shop who is taking in an idea posed from a TED stage. The thoughts are transformative, the research undeniable, and the assertions inspiring. That said, in the pursuit of world-changing motivation, inspiration alone often falls short without the fuel of a personal connection. For this reason and more, TEDxChicago was spawned; To both inspire and resonate with a community. Early planning for this year’s event illuminated an imbalance in that equation in years past, inspiring our charge forward: Show the world Chicago, rather than show Chicago the world. This subtle shift in thought inspired choices across the entire curation from branding to experience, ultimately inspiring an “Of Chicago and for the world” mentality that filled the stage with performances born from or breathing life into the city.

7 speakers, 3+ performances, partners, vendors, and most excitingly - attendees - were all connected to Chicago. A sold out theater felt seen and heard by the ideas presented, instigating what we can only hope will be an abundance of personalized inspiration for the city.