KitchenAid Espresso
[Strategy, 2024]

Ironically, the espresso category has some very tired conventions: Beautiful celebrities, seas of stainless steel machines, overpriced promises for a better life, and immense shame standing at the cafe tip screen. It became clear that to break into this category, we needed a type of disruptive approachability only KitchenAid’s new espresso collection could achieve.

With one full-funnel vision from TV to PDP, a new world of espresso was born. In TV we disrupted the category by breaking those tired coffee conventions, then introduced RTB’s through single-minded stories. On social, we invited everyone to explore our collection - even baristas. Finally, we showed how KitchenAid makes espresso better at home through print, radio and mesmerizing feature visuals at PDP.

Wired, Martha Stewart